The Beginning of Moist Meat

The Beginning of Moist Meat

Entering a program like The Blueprint - offered through the Young Enterprising Society, the Green Bay Chamber and NEW North Inc. was such an exciting and yet intimidating endeavor. 

One thing I always hold true, and still do as I write this: pivot makes perfect. I had (and still have) this idea in my mind what I want Fridge Jerky to be. However, the bumps and hurdles along the way have either taught me to jump higher or pivot around them. 

Finding our voices, our brand voices, and our audiences I believe will be a integral part of this cohort. As I learn about something called assumptions, not the old saying our parents taught us. No, these are business assumptions which we believe, don’t believe and test. These assumptions drive our entire enterprise.

I’ll dive deeper into what this means in my next post. For now, may your meat be moist!
